Powerful disruptive and diverse forces are sculpting a new economic and social landscape in America and across the globe. In this provocative, energizing keynote, Mary discusses the disruptive changes in this “age of acceleration” and the extreme difficulty of human adaptability.

Includes some surprising demographic shifts; the diffusion of AI and IoT, and a look across the technology horizon; an insider view of China; and critical demographic trends.

“Most people lack enough understanding to make good choices.  This decade includes some surprising demographic shifts; the diffusion of AI and IoT; an insider view of China; and the end of jobs as we know them.” — Mary

She describes the fault lines created and predicts strategies for thriving the tombstones.

Selected Key Concepts:

  • U.S. & Global Economic Outlook to 2030 – What and When.
  • Innovating in the age of acceleration – The Red Queen Effect.
  • The Global Two-Headed Dragon:  China and the U.S.
  • Escalating Longevity
  • Climate change – its impacts whether you believe it or not.
  • Gen Z – Rebels with a Cause
  • America at the Crossroads: Powerful Divisions
  • AI and IoT – Human comparative advantage
  • How the rise of new global middle class consumers will transform the global marketplace
  • How to navigate these historic badlands – the leadership challenges
  • The rise of continuous re-skilling to remain in the workforce — Future of Jobs

“Only an economist anthropologist, sinologist-psychologist, public health expert could weave such a cogent tapestry from a thousand intellectual threads.”

David Judson, Editor in Chief, Stratfor Global Intelligence