Are you ready to Navigate the Badlands? You got in alone but you can’t get out alone.
As we look ahead to 2030, we ask ourselves: How do we get from here to there? How do we chart a path through the next long decade? Where will we experience considerable pain and bewilderment as one way of life ends and we grapple with how to create the next.
Where are you leading your organization? In an environment that demands radical innovation, you cannot be a risk avoider and a stability junkie. Innovation is the creation of relevancy for the future. How irrelevant are you today – let alone for that which is coming in 2030 and beyond?
Get ready for the journey of your lifetime. The journey starts here.
“The Badlands” is a metaphor for the rugged risk strewn landscape of the future of the global economy and the survival of America that we all must pass through. The Badlands is the rugged transition zone between eras. Like pioneers before us, we must act courageously and creatively or perish by the wayside.
Transitions are always painful, and escape is only an illusion.