There is no stronger driver of change than the current epidemic of healthy longevity around the world. What does this extension of life mean, and how will it transform not just America but every other country? How do we ride this tsunami safely and reap the benefits?
By 2020, China will have close to 300 million people over the age of 60. The implications and transformations in society are huge.

“One of the biggest success stories of the 20th Century is people around the globe living to 100 with healthy longevity.”
— Mary
Selected Key Concepts:
- Old age moves to 85 years+
- Midlife crisis at 60
- How to stay alive healthier longer
- The longevity challenge to the health care system – driver of transformation
- Divergence of interests of women and men in second half of life
- Huge new Global Senior Consumer Group
“You remind me of Maggie Kuhn! You made us think so differently about older people. The Second Middle Age has so many important implications for NCOA. It was exciting. We have a lot of work to do.”