Profound changes are transforming the world of work. Not only will knowledge workers be in the driver’s seat, but most of them will be women.
Understand eight powerful shifts that will reshape individual and organizational life over the next 5 to 10 years, and gain insight into the six skills you’ll need to prosper in the work-space of the future to participate.

Mary also offers a customized Future of Work keynote highlighting the disruptions and trends most relevant to your organization, and what to do about them.
Selected Key Concepts:
- Disruptive shifts 2020 to 2030 – implications
- The history and drivers of the shifts
- Automation – what’s the real roadmap and timeline to fewer jobs
- Six Skills for the Future – when social intelligence rules
- The growing role of Stempafy
- Explore the human comparative advantage with machines
- How to collaborate with AI
- When I Grow Up, Will I Have a Job? Who will and will not?
- Implications when Gen X dominates the workforce
- The upside of “the end of work” as we know it
- Scenarios of a World with Less Work
“Thought-provoking thinking about the convergence of continuous disruptive technology, the emerging global knowledge-based workforce, and global sustainability. Compelling insights to act on.”