All generations are eating but the differences across the six generations is startling.  Over the last decade a complete shift in the value and behavior around food consumption are critical for business and families to know. What, where, when and with whom is all changing.

Technology has enabled an explosion of choices across where and when to eat. Fast casual is now a mature trend and plant centric meals are slowly taking hold. In this fascinating keynote based on Mary’s own primary research has profound and practical impacts for both business and consumers.

Consumers are looking for protein alternatives to meat for a diverse set of reasons.

Selected Key Concepts:

  • *The big trends-what and who is driving the shifts & impacts
  • Six generations-differences and similarities
  • The role of choice and convenience — implications for business
  • Six generations at a glance in attitudes and behaviors around purchasing and eating
  • The impact of sustainability
  • Key challenges for restaurants and retail—what is and what’s next

“Your research on food and wine was  critical to creating our strategy-we could put the results into immediate use. ”

Frank Ballentine, President, Greenleaf, San Francisco, CA; President, Ballentine Vineyards, St. Helena, Napa Valley